QR codes find various applications in fitness centers, with workout tutorial sharing and customer feedback collection being just a few. These scannable codes work as marketing tools as well, promoting a culture of well-being throughout the population.

Given the projected 10% annual growth in the physical activity industry in the years ahead (Statista, 2022), embracing innovation becomes inevitable. Read on to discover the best QR code use cases, real-life examples, implementation ideas, and compelling benefits to drive the fitness sector forward.

What Is the Fitness Industry?

The fitness industry, combining gyms, wellness centers, and personal training services, is a niche that promotes well-being and health. Projected to surpass $125 billion globally by 2030 (CMI, 2023), this exponential growth fuels the sector’s need for transformational tools.

Among these transformative innovations, QR codes emerge as indispensable solutions, capable of streamlining fitness centers’ operations, attracting more customers, and improving the overall training experience.

Use Cases: How QR Codes Are Used in Fitness Centers

Offering special deals, discounts, and loyalty programs, gathering customer feedback, and sharing workout tutorials are among the top use cases of QR codes for fitness centers. Let’s review these and other viable applications in detail.

1. Workout Tutorial Sharing in Fitness Centers

QR codes are used to share workout tutorials, increasing customer engagement in fitness initiatives. When placed on gym equipment and throughout the premises, these codes lead members to a comprehensive video tutorial library featuring diverse exercise genres.

The importance of QR codes with embedded videos is hard to overestimate, as 83% of individuals prefer video content over text or audio for accessing information and instructions (TechSmith, 2021). Thus, this interactive approach can transform workout spaces into personalized coaching hubs.

2. Customer Feedback Collection in Fitness Centers

QR codes create a responsive fitness community by leading gym members to feedback platforms. Fitness center owners can link codes to review websites, Google Forms surveys, and more to get valuable info from their customers.

Studying feedback is crucial, especially considering that most fitness centers lose 50% of their new members within six months (IHRSA, 2020). QR-enabled feedback, in turn, is a solution that provides gym owners with actionable data for continuous improvement and customer-centric offerings.

3. Gym Attendance Tracking in Fitness Centers

Leveraging QR codes for tracking gym attendance is another prominent use case in the fitness industry. Fitness center owners can streamline member check-ins by placing a dedicated QR code at their premises.

This QR code application automates the attendance record, benefiting gym owners and members. It provides fitness centers with data on peak hours and member activity and speeds up gym entry for customers. Simplifying attendance tracking with QR codes is especially crucial, as evidenced by significant membership increases, like Life Time’s reported 23.8% growth in Q1 2022 (IHRSA, 2022).

4. Social Media, Website, and App Promotion in Fitness Centers

Fitness centers leverage QR codes to promote their social media pages, dedicated websites, and fitness apps. Gym owners increase their online presence by putting codes on advertising materials and within their premises.

A simple QR code on a promotional flier can lead users to engaging content or virtual classes hosted on the gym’s app. This virtual experience is particularly relevant, given the projected 16.25% user penetration in digital fitness initiatives by 2028 (Statista, 2023). Generally, QR codes help gather an online community of fitness enthusiasts.

5. Special Deals and Loyalty Programs in Fitness Centers

QR codes allow fitness centers to offer loyalty programs, discounts, and exclusive deals. They help increase members’ satisfaction through a simple scan.
Fitness center owners can issue personalized QR codes to members, granting access to discounts, promotions, or loyalty points. This approach positively impacts the gym’s revenues and increases memberships, as 83% of customers worldwide are more likely to buy from a brand they’re loyal to (Yotpo, 2022).

Benefits of QR Codes for Fitness Centers

Using QR codes in fitness centers brings plenty of benefits: improved member engagement, effective marketing, increased membership retention, and more. Let’s explore these in-depth:

  • Enhanced member engagement: QR codes engage customers by offering workout tutorials, challenges, and personalized content.
  • Increased membership retention: QR codes help retain more members by providing special deals, helpful content, and hassle-free check-ins.
  • Effective marketing: QR codes assist gym owners in promoting their services through social media, websites, and apps.
  • Data-driven decisions: QR codes let fitness center owners collect customer feedback and improve their offerings.

As a result of the above advantages, QR codes help fitness centers boost their membership sales. Planet Fitness alone noticed a 15.9% sales increase in Q1 2022 compared to the previous year (IHRSA, 2022). And this example is just the tip of the iceberg.

QR Code Ideas for Fitness Centers

Equipment guides and healthy recipes are just two ideas fitness centers can introduce through QR codes. Let’s explore these and other ones:

  1. Place QR codes on gym equipment so members can access user guides and safety instructions.
  2. Guide members to healthy recipes and nutrition plans through QR codes.
  3. Display class schedules using QR codes.

You can also introduce wellness tips and hydration reminders by placing QR codes on your premises.

QR Code Examples in the Fitness Industry

The real-world examples of using QR codes for fitness centers include attendance tracking and sharing tips on equipment usage. See how fitness service providers implement these features:

  • Cultfit attendance tracking: This fitness company leverages QR codes to mark members’ attendance. Customers receive a QR code before the class and have to show it at the entrance to the gym.
  • Anytime Fitness equipment tips: This company put QR codes on equipment for instant workout tutorials and instructions on equipment usage.

QR Code Generator for Fitness Centers

Fitness center owners can use our QR code generator to create a QR code for their specific needs. They may link the code to their website in several steps:

  1. Open MyQRCode and click Create my QR code.
  2. Select the URL as your QR code type.
  3. Name your QR code and input the website address.
  4. Design your QR code with colors and patterns.
  5. Review and generate a QR code for your gym’s website.

Apart from creating QR codes for websites, fitness center owners can promote their social media pages with MyQRCode. All they need to do is choose Social Media as their preferred QR code type and link as many channels as necessary.