Vending machines are already a convenient option for commuters and travelers who need a quick snack, coffee, or drink. They completely remove the middleman in terms of having to go into a shop. But, there are ways to make vending machines even more efficient and convenient for users. 

Enter QR codes for vending machines. They’re a clever innovation that can speed up processes like payment processing, greatly increasing customer satisfaction and experience. Want to find out how they can upgrade your vending business? You’re in the right place! Join us here at MyQRCode, as we take you through QR codes for vending machines. Let’s jump in!
Why QR Codes Are Essential for Your Vending Business
QR codes for vending machines helps to provide an extra sales avenue for vending businesses. Considering that more and more sales are going cashless, with only around 17% of all global transactions being in cash in 2023 (Gitnux). As vending machines traditionally only traded in cash, it’s important to modernize and offer a cashless alternative. 
That’s where QR codes for vending machines come in. Users of vending machines can quickly scan a QR code and be taken to a transaction page, where they can pay with a saved debit card, or with digital wallets like Apple Pay
QR Codes: Improving Sales & Customer Experience in the Vending Business
QR codes have already seen vast levels of adoption in the retail industry. For good reason, too, as they help improve the purchasing processes for various shoppers in a variety of ways. Vending machines can be improved in much the same way, too. 
Considering that retail is one of the sectors that utilize QR codes the most (42% of all QR codes are used in retail), and is something that consumers are using more than ever, especially in the post-pandemic world. That’s shown in the fact that QR code usage has surged within the past four years by around 56%. So, if you want your vending machines to keep up with the times and see more use, you’ll need to start implementing QR codes for vending machines. 
Pros of QR Codes for QR Codes for Vending Business: Smart Selling Solutions
So, you’ve seen why QR codes for vending machines are important, but let’s examine some statistics on the use of QR codes, and the kinds of benefits they can bring to the companies willing to implement them. 
Key Statistics:

  1. Around 59% of all smartphone users believe that QR codes will be a permanent part of their smartphone usage.
  2. Over 80% of smartphone users have scanned a QR code at least once, indicating widespread adoption. (Statista, 2023)
  3. 75% of US users want to use QR codes more in the future, and hope they become even more widely adopted.
  4. 48% of all QR codes are linked with URLs. This is perfect for QR codes for vending machines linking to transaction pages. 
  5. There’s been an 88% increase in the CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) industry. This is good news for vending machines, as CPG products make up the bulk of vending machine sales.
    The Risks of QR Codes for Vending Business
    While the benefits of QR codes are clear, it’s important to note that there are some risks of using QR codes for vending machines. Around 20% of smartphone users say they aren’t entirely sure whether QR codes can be trusted. And there is some truth to these fears. 
    The biggest threat to the wide-spread use of vending machine QR codes is QR code security. Because QR codes can be used by practically anyone, nefarious QR codes can be placed on vending machines which takes users to a phishing scam rather than the transaction page that users expect. Considering that 22% of phishing scams involved QR codes (Security Boulevard), businesses will need to be careful with their implementation on vending machines. 
    One good way to avoid this is by embedding a QR code on a specific material on the vending machine. For instance, QR coded copper plates could be an excellent addition which helps users trust that they’re accessing a trusted source. Alternatively, if you want a less expensive option, you can place QR codes on glass, embedding an easily scannable QR code in the glass itself. 
    QR code generator for vending business

Qr codes for vending machines provide a host of benefits. They help make transactions a breeze (even more so than they were before) and increase customer engagement for the vending businesses that implement them.
Thinking about giving your automated retail a tech boost? QR codes are here to work their magic, making transactions smooth and adding a fun twist to shopping. Swing by our special QR Code Generator for automated retail. It’s your ticket to discovering digital ease and stepping up how you connect with customers.