QR Code Generator for TikTok

Share Videos and Profiles in an Instant with QR Codes for TikTok

Use QR codes to get more views on videos and to get more followers on your profile effectively

Create TikTok QR code

How to Generate a QR Code for TikTok

To generate your own TikTok QR code, simply click ‘TikTok URL’ below, link to videos or your profile, and then design a QR code to fit the style and feel of the content.


How Do I Get More Followers on TikTok by Using QR Codes?

TikTok QR codes are perfect for would-be influencers who want to increase their follower counts on TikTok. That’s because they can be embedded practically anywhere across digital spaces, allowing you to reach as many users as possible.

Plus, QR codes are becoming ever more popular in the digital age, with their use ballooning year by year. In just three years since 2020, the number of QR code users expanded by an impressive 20 million (Statista). It’s a strategy that shouldn’t be overlooked, and is the most modern way to present your TikTok content. 

And if you’re using MyQRCode QR Code Generator, you can generate a personalized QR code with your own logo, colors, and more. All of which can help you increase the number of scans your QR code gets by up to 80%!

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  • Share Your TikTok QR Codes on Social Media

    Unify your audiences across social media on TikTok by sharing your QR code on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It’s a better method than sharing your video on the platform, as users will actually have to visit the page of your video, which will increase your views on the platform.
  • Put Your TikTok QR Code on YouTube

    TikTok QR codes can be included on banners within your YouTube content. Perfect for those who already have a following on YouTube, and as nearly half of all viewers watch YouTube through a TV, they’ll be able to scan TikTok QR codes easily from their mobile phones.
  • Put TikTok QR Codes on Merchandise

    If you’re a TikTok influencer that has a cool range of merchandise, embed a QR code that can take users to your TikTok pages. It can be a good way to cross promote your channels!

Use our TikTok QR code generator to share your favorite videos and profiles instantly. You can include QR codes on merchandise, invites, promotional fliers, brochures and posters, and much more!

Yuriy Byron
Written by Yuriy Byron